Ethiopian Medical Equipment Digital Marketplace

Ethiopian Medical Equipment Digital Marketplace

Ethiopia Pharmaceuticals supply service (EPSS) invites all interested bidders to submit their bids for the laboratory commodity

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  • Procurement of laboratory commodity
  • IFB Number: EPSA-ICB-G-0016-2017-BID

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Pharmaceuticals supply service (EPSS) invites all interested bidders to submit their bids for the laboratory commodity indicated in the bid document.

  1. A complete set of Bidding Documents in the English language may be accepted by interested bidders freely on the egp portal (
  2. Bids must be submitted to the address specific to the above tender on the Egp portal ( Bid opening/closing date is as per stated in the bid document of the above tender accepted on the egp portal. For further detail refer to the Bid document that will be available on the Egp portal subsequently.
  3. The bid must be accompanied by a bid security of ETB 500,000.00 or its equivalent in freely convertible currency and a scanned copy of the bid security must be uploaded on the Egp system before the tender's opening date and time.
  4. The bid security from an insurance company will not be accepted.
  5. EPSS has the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process, and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of the contract without there by incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders on the ground for the company's action. 
  6. Evaluation criteria will be stipulated in the bidding document.

NB:- For details of the items list visit,  and go to Tender → active tender section by tender number.

The address referred to above is:

Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Service (EPSS), front of St.Paul's Hospital Addis Ketema K/K, woreda 05 P.O. Box: 21904, Telephone: +251-11-276 32 65, Fax number: +251-11- 275 2555. Electronic mail, Website:, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals supply service (EPSS)

No clarification Available

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