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Medstore Marketplace

ETB 15.50k

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Medstore Tender

ETB 3.50k

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  • Online Access
  • Email And SMS Notification
  • Bid Document Delivery Order
  • Bid Document Submission Order

Medstore BDS

ETB 7.50k

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Medstore Jobs

ETB 2.45k

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Medstore Marketplace

ETB 0.0

  • All Equipment at one place

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Medstore Tenders

ETB 0.0

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  • Upload/avail Bid Document
  • Reach more Audience
  • Medical Equipment specialized
  • Access to Bid Document Delivery

Medstore Jobs

ETB 0.0

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  • Get talents who contribute to the rise of your company.

Medstore ICB Tenders

$ 290.0

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Medstore BDS

$ 550.0

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  •  Access for Product Registration

Medstore Marketplace

ETB 8.53k

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Medstore Tender

ETB 1.93k

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  • Expression of interests from Private
  • Online Access
  • Email And SMS Notification
  • Bid Document Delivery Order
  • Bid Document Submission Order

Medstore BDS

ETB 4.12k

  • Get new local and foreign manufacturing partners

  • Increase Digital Presence
  •  Increase Visibility.


Medstore Jobs

ETB 1.34k

  • Post job on Medstore Jobs

  • Get talents who contribute to the rise of your company.

Medstore ICB Tenders

$ 159.5

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Medstore BDS

$ 302.5

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  •  Access for Product Registration

Manufacturer All in One

$ 438.9

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  • Access To Medstore Tender and EOIs 

Medstore Marketplace

ETB 4.65k

  • Post Your Products Online

  • Generate Sales lead
  • increase Digital Visibility
  • Access to Buyers
  • Private Dashboard
  • Stock management

Medstore Tender

ETB 1.05k

  • Tenders published online by Buyers

  • Expression of interests from Private
  • Online Access
  • Email And SMS Notification
  • Bid Document Delivery Order
  • Bid Document Submission Order

Medstore BDS

ETB 2.25k

  • Get new local and foreign manufacturing partners

  • Increase Digital Presence
  •  Increase Visibility.


Medstore ICB Tenders

$ 87.0

  • Get ICB Tenders Notifications

  •  International Tender Alert
  • Local Tender Alert
  • 24/7 Online Access
  • Daily Email Notification
  • Private EOIs

Medstore BDS

$ 165.0

  • Get local distributors

  • Get ICB Tenders Notifications
  • Showcase Product Portfolio
  •  Showcases Product Catalogue
  •  Access for Product Registration

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