Ethiopian Medical Equipment Digital Marketplace

Ethiopian Medical Equipment Digital Marketplace



“Healthy citizens are great assets any country can have” Winston s. Churchill

If we can decrease the cost and enhance the quality of medical technology, we can more widely address the medical conditions that are predominant and diminish the level of human suffering. Hence now in this article we will discuss about How Medical Technologies improve the lifestyle and life quality of Human beings and its relevance.

At some opinion in each person's life, we will require an assisted medical device. The prosthetic,Medical technologies enhance the early and accurate diagnosis of health problems, facilitating timely involvement and improving results. Innovative products can substitute, repair and endure failing body functions, while telemedicine and connected devices allow remote monitoring of patient's conditions.

The role of technology in our day-to-day lives is increasing fast. We use the internet to snap up new goods, connect with old friends or make new ones, and even to attend to our financial matters. Many people use technology to support their health as well. This is called eHealth – the use of information and communication technology to support health, wellbeing and healthcare by means of Apps, Wearable, Websites, Virtual Reality, Videoconferencing and others.

How Advanced Medical Technologies Are Changing the Healthcare Landscape?

Traditional healthcare systems are often criticized for their reactionary approach to medicine; health issues are addressed only once they’ve developed enough to become problematic. On the other hand the improvement and augmented accessibility of medical technology provide patients the chance to treat diseases at their onset, giving them a higher chance of successful recovery. For most people, including busy entrepreneurs, the concept of “taking care of your body” has usually meant visiting a doctor once a year and going over some routine lab results. In spite of that, advancements in medical technology are rapidly and drastically changing the healthcare landscape to go well beyond this elementary approach.

Today, settling for a quick five-minute annual with a physician is no longer the only option. Genomics, cancer blood tests, MRIs, sleep analysis and many other innovations now grant patients to gain the most all-inclusive image of their health ever available. Ergo, these advancements in technology are revolutionizing the healthcare system to become more proactive, personalized and convenient than ever before.

Because improvements in medical technology allow for more testing opportunities, healthcare companies can now capture billions of data points for an individual patient and use them to provide more personalized care.

When we talk about Medical Technology leveraging Scenarios in the 1st 2nd and 3rd world countries we think about new technology in developing countries be a help or a hindrance?

Will New technology in developing countries be a help?

There are prominent differences in the wide-ranging social, economic or political background of the developed and developing country-groups, and undeveloped, developing, countries are in dire need for creative and innovative medical solutions.

Kate Harveston, who writes about health, healthcare, states "Technology can revolutionize the way that healthcare services and information are transmitted around the globe in urban and especially rural or underdeveloped areas. SMS technology can track malnutrition in rural Ghana, and researchers have developed an innovative portable ultrasound that plugs into a laptop to keep medicine on the move. Developing countries offer unique and innovative technologies, too. Technology can make a major impact on healthcare in developing countries."

Therefore we can say that the quick spread of technology fueled by the Internet has led to positive cultural changes in developing countries. Easier, faster communication has contributed to the rise of democracy, as well as the alleviation of poverty. Globalization can also increase cultural awareness and promote diversity.

Many people in poor countries do not even have access to basic healthcare. This may be because they have to pay for it themselves, or they live too far away from a healthcare center. There is a correlation between these inadequacies and the countries' levels of poverty and the state of their infrastructure.

Imagine two babies being born at the exact same time: a little girl in Sweden and a baby boy in Ethiopia. What are their chances for a long, healthy life? The life expectancy of the countries is 82.07 and 66.94 years respectively. In case one of the babies falls ill, the differences in their chances for getting to the doctor in time and receiving adequate treatment is also striking. In Sweden, 328 doctors are available for 100,000 people while in Ethiopia there are only 1 digit no of doctors for the same amount of people in need. Certainly, there are significant differences in the general social, economic or political background within both the developed and developing country-groups, but unfortunately it could be considered as a fact that the population of developing countries has to face much worse health conditions, their life expectancy is much lower, and they are in dire need for creative and innovative medical solutions.

That being a case new technology in developing countries is a help; Developing countries, faced with severe resource limitations, are trying to develop modern health care services that deliver sensible medical technologies. Because of their lack of development, these countries must import much technology, while often lacking the expertise to make wise choices.